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vim include/configs/lx2160a_common.h


/*Begin:add by zhaobaoxing for env*/
#define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV          0
#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE                 0x2000          /* 8KB */
#define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE            0x20000
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET               0x500000
/*End:add by zhaobaoxing for env*/


# Configuration file for fw_(printenv/setenv) utility.
# Up to two entries are valid, in this case the redundant
# environment sector is assumed present.
# Notice, that the "Number of sectors" is not required on NOR and SPI-dataflash.
# Futhermore, if the Flash sector size is omitted, this value is assumed to
# be the same as the Environment size, which is valid for NOR and SPI-dataflash
# Device offset must be prefixed with 0x to be parsed as a hexadecimal value.

# NOR example
# MTD device name       Device offset   Env. size       Flash sector size       Number of sectors
#/dev/mtd1              0x0000          0x4000          0x4000
#/dev/mtd2              0x0000          0x4000          0x4000

# MTD SPI-dataflash example
# MTD device name       Device offset   Env. size       Flash sector size       Number of sectors
#/dev/mtd5              0x4200          0x4200
#/dev/mtd6              0x4200          0x4200

# NAND example
#/dev/mtd0              0x4000          0x4000          0x20000                 2

# On a block device a negative offset is treated as a backwards offset from the
# end of the device/partition, rather than a forwards offset from the start.

# Block device example
/dev/mmcblk0            0x500000                0x2000
#/dev/mmcblk0           -0x20000        0x20000

# VFAT example
#/boot/uboot.env        0x0000          0x4000

# UBI volume
#/dev/ubi0_0            0x0             0x1f000         0x1f000
#/dev/ubi0_1            0x0             0x1f000         0x1f000

# UBI volume by name
#/dev/ubi0:env          0x0             0x1f000         0x1f000
#/dev/ubi0:env-redund   0x0             0x1f000         0x1f000
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